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HOLA Design We are the Polish Design Studio operating in domestic and foreign market, a member and partner of the international trade associations. On our scorecard we have hundreds of fulfilled projects and awards in national and international design competitions. Periodically we raise our competence by participating in training and trade fairs at home and abroad. We participate as jurors in competitions within the trade; we share our knowledge in the press, television and electronic publishing. Our Studio Team consists of designers as well as interior architects and specialists in handling investment with appropriate knowledge and experience to ensure effectiveness in action. Based on our experience and knowledge of global trends in architecture and design, we offer complex services in terms of arrangement as well as interior design and architectural design. We combine professionalism, reliability and common sense with attention to quality, originality and functionality of proposed solutions. We care for satisfaction of our Clients, fitting presented design ideas to their guidelines and expectations. Deliberate creation of friendly space to user needs is our objective. By combining creative approach with understanding Client expectations, we aspire to create interiors about simple, legible form, well-thought functionality and modern style. We know that thanks to our, architects and designers experience, who create our Studio Team, as well as established high standards of customer service we are able to meet the highest requirements, ensuring professional approach and comprehensive services. A good project is the first and one of important steps to create and furnishing a flat or house in accordance with individual needs and preferences of our Clients or business premises with the company image, therefore in our work we focus on: •idea – since it is a response to need and constitutes a contribution to any design work •ultimate-ness – because randomness causes anxiety and demolishing the harmony •cohesion – because simultaneous applying too many diverse solutions is as equally destructive as their randomness •consequence – so that the idea, ultimate-ness and cohesion weren’t thrown away
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