A home that combines the best from the practical and visual side. The project is maintained in the Scandinavian style with a modern note and bold accents. A large, open living room with an attractive seating area, a fireplace and a built-in aquarium provide a range of leisure activities in a distance from the cheerful kitchen with pantry radiant cooking. On the first floor, there is a private zone for each of the household members. Cozy and very girly rooms for 2 little princesses with the possibility of separation, using the same elements. The parents’ bedroom with the bathroom is subdued with a dominant feature of sepia and wood. The bathroom is colorful and expressive. The project did not lack functionality and a large storage space in the form of built-in wardrobes to optimally use every corner of this extremely painterly project was used. In our opinion, this is one of the most creative interpretations of the Scandinavian style. The interiors are full of joy and positive emotions that beam so much from the owners.